How can you be a scout without concealment? If you meet the other side, the general troops will find each other at the same time. If you meet the hidden pursuers, the other side will find themselves before the meeting, but they must get close to the visually identifiable distance to find the enemy. Is this reconnaissance still called reconnaissance?
Chapter 135 Scout Wang Tianping
There was a burst of discussion in the audience. Many spectators watched many team games in the morning and at noon, and others described this type of game through forums and others for the first time. Together with the action situation of the first two teams, they basically understood the common routines of team games.
But now the frenzied squadron practice makes them a little confused. The patrolman is a scout? How is this possible? The so-called scouts need to detect the enemy and not let the enemy see themselves at the same time. Only in this way can reconnaissance be effective, and it is impossible to do it without hidden patrols.
Wang Tianping has demonstrated to the audience that it is practical for a patrolman to be a scout. He has also done it in future virtual exercises. It is not impossible for a patrolman to be a scout, but there are many prerequisites that are not available in all battles.
The first thing to make a patrolman a scout is that the enemy is more conservative than himself. If the enemy is more unrestrained, he will quickly form troops to besiege when he sees the isolated light spot of radar. But when your enemy is suspicious now, when an isolated red dot appears, his first thought is not an attack, but whether there will be any conspiracy.
This is the case at this time. Wang Tianping has entered the radar detection range of the gods scouts. At this time, the distance is still far, and the three stalkers of the gods have also started to hide. Of course, he has not seen the enemy yet, and the stalkers share the data link with other players of the gods. There is already a red dot representing Wang Tianping.
Looking at the radar red dot in front of him, Baldell frowned. What should we do now? He is also a little uncertain. The team competition is not an individual competition. There is a rule of two wins in three games, which takes a long time. The team competition is a game to decide the winner’s promotion and the loser’s elimination. He doesn’t want to be eliminated in the first game
Caution, caution, caution, that’s all he has left in his mind. What’s with this isolated red dot? Is it still a sniper like just now? However, all the pursuers of our own side have already started to conceal the other side, so as to carry out sniper warfare just now.
So what is it? Bait? Knowing that the opponent has hidden and accessible reconnaissance, what else is the bait? A mistake? Has the stalker of the frenzy squadron not finished cooling down yet? That’ll be the day! Wang Tianping’s understanding of the mecha is much deeper than that of the gods. Such low-level mistakes are impossible.
After thinking for a long time, I still didn’t have a clue. No one in the team channel could come up with a reliable situation. Finally, he was able to make the reconnaissance chaser in front close to the light spot, preferably close enough to make the information view and the camera captured the image, and also told the big troops behind to be careful not to enter the detection range of the red dot radar.
What about Wang Tianping at this time? Of course, he hasn’t found the enemy approaching yet, but he’s not alert. From the moment he turned the camera to all directions, there was no dead angle, and the external microphone was maximized. The most important thing is that he didn’t keep moving, but stopped and closed after walking for a while. The main engine could tell whether there were enemies from the incoming sound of the microphone.
Argument technology, this may be a way for players now to imagine that at most, players can hear the close mecha engine in quiet conditions to judge whether there is a mecha nearby.
In the future, ace pilots like Wang Tianping can distinguish which is the sound made by the mecha from all kinds of very noisy sounds, and they can also distinguish what type of mecha is, how far away it is, and in which direction. Some martial arts novels listen to the meaning of the law.
Soon Wang Tianping’s patrolman stopped again to see that the radar red dot stopped approaching the gods from the side, and everyone immediately alerted and looked around without any abnormality before continuing to approach.
The farther they go, the more they feel that this isolated mecha seems to have found them. Because the action track of the red dot is very strange, it repeats this process stop and go, and every time it stops and restarts, the red dot seems to adjust its direction, and every time it adjusts its direction, it will be closer to the direction of the gods.
The gods are currently closest to Wang Tianping, and the pursuers have not yet reached the visual range of the camera. They don’t know what this red dot represents, but they don’t know that Wang Tianping has judged that there are three pursuers approaching by virtue of the gradually clear mecha engine.
The red dot is approaching them, and the pursuer and the big army of the gods behind it have also made such a judgment, but how did he do it? A large army that can be detected by radar still cares that it should not be displayed in the back of the other party’s radar tracker. Is it because the reconnaissance area of the other party’s scout has overlapped with its own scout?
Thought of this, Balder immediately informed the pursuers in front of him of his thoughts, and they paid attention to whether there were frantic squadron pursuers nearby, but the result disappointed him that the three pursuers did not find any enemy traces nearby.
Of course, they can’t find the stalkers of the frenzy squadron. Therefore, the roots of the three stalkers of the frenzy squadron are not here, including these three stalkers. Ten mecha belonging to all the frenzy squadrons have been ordered by Wang Tianping to transfer and lay an ambush in front of the reconnaissance, so Wang Tianping will be alone.
The less you find the enemy, the more insecure the gods feel. It seems that they are heading for a trap. Everyone feels this way, but now the situation is that even if they don’t move forward, the red dot can take the initiative to find them, and they still have to bite the bullet and move forward in the hope of killing this single armor.
Finally, the stalker in front and Wang Tianping reached the visual range of the camera. With the help of radar, the stalker of the gods took the lead in making the camera capture Wang Tianping’s image and release the information for viewing.
Wang Tianping! This name surprised all the gods, who were almost conscious of looking around for whether there was an ambush or not, and whether they had been trapped by Wang Tianping again, but they still found something.
Is it really Wang Tianping’s negligence to leave the team alone? After a panic, all the gods are in a hot heart. This may be an opportunity. Now Wang Tianping is alone and may kill him. Once Wang Tianping is killed, it will be very easy to fight.
After reconfirming that there was nothing unusual around, the gods took action. Three pursuers charged. They held Wang Tianping off before the arrival of the big army.
They are getting closer and closer to Wang Tianping, and Wang Tianping also found that they were at war with each other. A pair of three gods pursuers were excited, and maybe they could take it only by the three of them, but at this moment, a flying laser light broke their fantasy.
Chapter 136 Spell it
Boom, a laser beam flying from behind Wang Tianping accurately hit one of the three pursuers who were besieging Wang Tianping, and he stumbled and almost fell down. This feeling is that the laser combat rifle radar has no other red dot cameras and can’t see the sniper!
This shot is naturally blackie. Has he been following Wang Tianping all the time? Of course not. He also acted as a scout to conduct reconnaissance on the other side. It was only after receiving Wang Tianping’s order that he drew a route according to Wang Tianping.
This is the reason why the patrolman can act as a scout when the enemy is conservative. It is precisely because the gods are conservative and cautious that they did not rush to solve Wang Tianping at the first and fastest time, which gave Wang Tianping the opportunity to judge the enemy’s position and mobilize his teammates to lay an ambush.
By the time three pursuers tried to hold Wang Tianping back, the ambush had been initially formed. Seeing that the other sniper had reached the sniper point, they were able to cover the gods here. The pursuers hesitated for a moment, but soon they thought that this was the best time to get rid of Wang Tianping. Once they succeeded, the game would be a victory.
Thought of here, the three pursuers reached a consensus with the rear large forces, and even if they were injured, they would stall Wang Tianping here, so that the rear large forces could arrive here before the pursuers were killed. Even if Wang Tianping was an ambush sniper, it would be impossible to escape.
They have a good idea, but it is not so easy to implement. Wang Tianping’s strength is beyond their imagination. He can easily cope with the siege of three pursuers. Although there are snipers behind him, there are not many attacks hit for a long time, which still makes them accept it.
The trouble is far from over. The main reason for the gods to take the initiative is to decide that Wang Tianping could not have noticed them early, so he laid an ambush before the law. Now, although a sniper has arrived, they still think that the others in the frenzy squadron are still a certain distance away from here.
However, the red dot added to the radar rejected their guess that the three pursuers who besieged Wang Tianping had seen that the large forces of the frenzy squadron were not far from here, and they were ambushed so quickly.
The rear is coming here, and the great forces of the gods naturally saw the scene through sharing. In that situation, it is impossible to kill Wang Tianpingji. Now it is time to think about how to escape, and Balder, the god of light, immediately ordered the pursuers to retreat.
However, how can the frenzied squadron spend so much effort to make the cooked duck fly three pursuers to retreat? Wang Tianping naturally has guessed through the mecha’s movement that he will immediately explode quickly and one of the main targets. The player immediately expressed his willingness to stall Wang Tianping here and let the other two retreat.
Although the other two people are unwilling, there is really no better way to escape now. But just then, when they charged, they couldn’t see a dead corner and two pursuers rushed over. The frenzy squadron actually set an ambush here!
Hu said that Thunderstorm had arrived here as early as when the other pursuers were close, and had completed the meeting with Wang Tianping. According to Wang Tianping’s instructions, Hu never showed up, but hid behind a hill, making the three pursuers of the gods rush over without noticing that they had entered the encirclement.
I didn’t show up for the battle just now, mainly because the other side suddenly saw three mechs and was scared to retreat. At that time, Xiaohe had not entered the range and other teammates were still too far away
Now I finally have a chance. Other teammates Ma arrived at Wang Tianping to deal with that ending, which is already doomed. How much time will it take for the two here to have a little black sniper?
Balder, the god of light, saw the situation here for an instant, and when he reacted, he found that the tide was gone, and the squadron troops could definitely arrive at the scene before the great forces of the gods arrived
And our three pursuers and Wang Tianping fight that one is dying, and the remaining two will not be instantly killed, but it is impossible to escape. The melee fighting skills of the two pursuers in the frenzy squadron are superb, and there is a sniper behind them to check for leaks at any time.
Seeing this situation, Balder, the god of light, gritted his teeth and spelled out three last pursuers. They have lost their last scouts, which means that if they retreat now, they will be harassed and eventually they will be eaten away.
Well, it’s better to rush one to rescue the pursuers, but perhaps we can engage in a firefight with their large forces before the frenzied squadron retreats. Now, although the gods have suffered heavy losses, the number is still dominant, and the remaining 16 mecha are guardians and arbiters, with absolute advantages in overall attack and defense.
Thinking of this, he immediately ordered the members of the department to speed up the propeller, and the rhythm of the propeller could be appropriately accelerated until the propeller was overheated, flameout and cooled. When the big troops exchanged fire, those were trivial matters and would not have much impact on the result.