"hey! Luo Genwei, you really don’t know or you don’t know! Is it notifiable when Yuan will come? Is it scheduled two days before the meeting? Tell us to make sure that the reading ceremony is ready at any time, which means that Yuan will come in person soon! " Scoob unusually seriously said
"Is this what General Pushir said?" Logan still didn’t panic at all.
"Well, General Pushir told some of them and some of them were based on my personal experience!" Scoob said without taking credit.
Logan doesn’t like the taste in this guy’s mouth, but he still pats his arm. "Hey, hey, I told you, your thinking with the general is much broader than that of a vulgar commander like us!"
"We have all worked together for so long and said this! In addition ….. The general specifically told you to hurry up and prepare for this review. You can’t be negligent! Not surprisingly, before the review, the Yuan Guards will arrive and deploy vigilance, and all participants in the review can’t carry live ammunition. Remember! " After saying this, Scoob waved his hand eagerly. "Well, I should go back to the division. The general is still awake at the moment!"
"Really dedicated!" Logan admired the whole body, and when Scobie left, he went back to his room and collapsed on the bed.
"Don’t we need to prepare before?" Xiao Ha was very excited when he heard that Yu Yuan was coming in person ―― this guy is carrying a Mein Kampf with him!
"Well, don’t worry! There will be bread! There will be milk! " Logan said in a daze, and soon he dreamed that the Duke of Zhou had gone, leaving Xiaoha there still looking forward to it.
Chapter 15 Bread and milk
General Pushir got up before dawn. Because he didn’t sleep well all night, he hung two huge bags under his eyes, but his hair was very neatly combed. With a neat army and a shiny medal, the whole person still looked radiant.
The former Captain Logan of Pushir will put the model camp down early in the morning ―― after all, it’s only 12 days since the army was formed. The soldiers came. The two active divisions and several reserve battalions may have never met each other, and the officers have never worked together, so what level the army can achieve in simplicity can be figured out by Pushir’s toes after years of military service.
Adventure. This is definitely an adventure! Puhill was vaguely worried that maybe he should never have promised Logan Wei this strange and eccentric guy! How can he lead you by the nose?
At 7 o’clock in the afternoon, there was finally a noise in the model camp. At about 7: 15, Puhill heard a cheer. At first, Logan announced to his family that the troops were about to undergo a meta-review-it is quite a noble reward for German soldiers to be reviewed by Adolf Hitler!
But when I learned from Scoob that Logan had just announced to the battalion officers and soldiers that they would cancel the queue and March practice in the past two days, Puhill almost went crazy. Don’t you know that it makes sense to sharpen your guns and be unhappy?
Aft breakfast, Logan took his team to that river-at present, the 7th paratroopers’ division is located in the western suburb of Saarbrü cken, next to the beautiful Saar River. Although it is in the dry season, the river is still wide and can be used by large river boats, but there is a very old waterwheel mill in addition to the large farmland on the bare beach.
Soon Puhill got a new report from his adjutant. Logan divided his troops into several groups and set up a viewing platform opposite the waterwheel mill. The others took turns to conduct offensive and defensive drills around the waterwheel mill.
Pushir is mad again. Is this guy going to fool Young-won and the high command generals with a broken mill?
The crazy things didn’t stop there. After receiving the instructions from the high command last night, Pusher reached a special martial law order at the division. No one was allowed to leave or enter the camp without permission. This martial law order was equally effective for Logan’s model camp. However, in the afternoon, Rogan military commander Stephenberg took two soldiers to apply for leaving the camp and asked them why. Stephenberg said mysteriously that it was a review to prepare. Pusher repeatedly asked before knowing that they were going to Saarbrucken to build a river barge.
Puhill couldn’t figure out how to get Scoob to call Logan. I didn’t expect this magic stick to be more mysterious. What did he say to give everyone a big surprise and ensure that there would be no mistakes during the inspection?
Pusher gritted his teeth and let Stephenberg go. As a result, by noon, they actually came back with an old ship with a maximum of 200 tons. Out of caution, Pusher asked the divisional guards to inspect the ship inside and outside, and got the report that it was an ordinary civilian ship that was swinging without mystery!
All afternoon, Logan and his men were still working in the floodplain. In the evening, the officers and men went to the river and took a bath happily. Poor Pushir felt that his nerves were going crazy. When it was getting dark, Logan’s so-called surprise finally arrived. Two trucks belonging to the Yuan Guard Flag Team were full of British equipment and equipment-it was said that they were at the special request of Captain Logan.
What medicine is sold in this Logan gourd? There are more and more problems in Pushier’s head, just like a mess of wool caught by a kitten.
Puhill finally fell asleep in two cups of milk at 12 o’clock at night and didn’t want to be awakened alive by his adjutant (it was really painful). What made him even more depressed was Logan’s so-called surprise again!
This time, the surprise was that the soldiers of the Herman Green regiment, the commander-in-chief of the army, came directly with four IB tanks, four II tanks, fz221/222 armored vehicles and trucks, and a convoy of 37 mm anti-tank guns and 30 motorcycles was huge, but I don’t know whether people or German armored columns marched overnight.
It’s not only the ammunition from the truck behind these equipment that almost collapsed the model ammunition warehouse!
Poor Pushir has insomnia, and his head is full of clutter. He really feels that if he has a few more logans, he will be much ahead when he retires ―― which normal commander can stand such a toss?
Early the next morning, Puhill had just narrowed his eyes for a while and the door was knocked on with great immorality.
"General General!" Scoobuyin is still so impatient.
"Yu Logan doesn’t report to me!" Puhill shouted impatiently.
"No, the general is the secret of the high command!" Scooby dare not shout, timidly like a wronged puppy.
Pushier jumped out of bed and walked to the door, slamming the door. "What?"
"You see the high command …" Scooby handed the newspaper to the angry bull, sir.
Pushir’s eyes were as wide as two bells. "Today?"
"What today?" Scoob pretended not to read the newspaper secretly.
"Tell Logan to run for me!" Puhill said
Ten minutes later, when Scobie came in with a guy in a British uniform, Puhill consciously pulled out his gun.
"General, you wanted to see me?" This guy in a British military uniform speaks fluent German. Pusher looked intently at who else but Logan.
"Commandant you this is …"
Logan grinned. "Hey, hey, don’t worry. I’ll explain to Yuan Cheng during the review. The effect will definitely be quite shocking and will definitely achieve our expected goal!"
Puhill suddenly felt that this guy’s smile was quite evil.